
Ohio State Society Daughters of Indian Wars began with a desire of Patsy Gaines, Susan Leininger, and Betsie Gricar.  Betsie and Susan belonged to a Society up north and wished to start a Society in Ohio.  We talked with friends and held an interest meeting in May 2018.  Betsie researched with CSDIW and was told it would take about two years to Charter with twelve members.  Ohio Daughters were too enthusiastic for that.  Ohio had its Organizational meeting in Reynoldsburg, OH, on Oct 7, 2018.  Officers were elected and Charter members were still being recruited.  Several Committees were established to write By-laws/Standing Rules  & find worthwhile projects for our new Society.  On Dec 2, 2018, Ohio Chartered with 34 members.  The luncheon was held at the Blacklick Country Club, Blacklick, OH, with the Governor General Ann Scott Garner doing the honors of installing the officers.  Charter membership was open until 1 March 2019 and ten more members were added.  Twenty-five members met for our first official meeting Mar 17, 2019, at Fort Ancient Memorial Archaeological Park, Oregonia, OH.  The Ohio State Society continues to grow and welcome new members.

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